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You’ve got a crush on someone who has decided to file you under friend. It’s a delicate situation when you want to launch a seduction operation but rest assured, nothing is lost yet. Your main mission is to get out of this famous friendzone to attract his attention as a potential boyfriend or girlfriend.
1. take some distance
He or she is used to see you often or at least to find you regularly by texting or on social networks. You are part of his or her life and he or she is happy about it, but not in the way you want. By disappearing from his or her daily life, you help him or her to become aware of your importance. You create a feeling of emptiness, a lack that only you can fill. The idea is not to cut the bridges definitively but rather to take a new impulse so that the relationship can start again on new bases.
2. take care of your look
Your crush is so used to seeing you as a friend that he or she doesn’t necessarily pay attention to your clothing style. Change the game by showing him/her another side of you. For example, if you usually dress in a sporty look, switch to a more urban look and vice versa. Put on a delicate perfume to attract her attention when you are close to each other. Do your hair differently, in short, be yourself but in a version that your friend does not know yet.
3. spend more time with others
Stop being super chummy with the person you are interested in. To achieve this goal, you need to go out and build relationships with friends who are not his or her friends. It’s like shutting her out of a part of your life, which gives you the opportunity to grow on your own. It’s a way of showing that you’re not dependent on this friendzone you’re in right now.
4. Dare tactile approaches
Physical contact is a subtle but super effective way to make it clear that your interest is not really friendly. Touch her arm when you talk to her. Gently put your hand on her back from time to time. Brush up against her hand, place yours on her shoulder…. Your gesture should be natural and your demeanor should be relaxed so that the person will feel comfortable.pproach is having the desired effect. Over time, these rather basic touches will help him/her reconsider the way he/she has been seeing you up to now.
5. propose but don’t invite
Confusion is common and yet there is a big difference between proposing a plan and inviting. When you invite, you are leaving the choice and therefore the control to him. On the other hand, the proposal leaves you in control. For example, let him/her know that you are planning to go to a place and that he/she can join you. This approach makes it clear that regardless of his/her decision, yours is already made: you will go to a restaurant, a soccer game, a bar… without q