Are you afraid of being single? You may have Bridget Jones syndrome.

The health emergency of this past year has had inevitable psychological consequences on each of us, and the fear of remaining single is among the silent evils that have affected many people, especially-but not only-among women over 30.
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Quarantine has indeed fueled many fears, from the fear of physical contact to the fear of getting sick.
And these include what is officially called anuptaphobia, but is commonly known as Bridget Jones syndrome.
What is the fear of being single and what is the solution
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What is Bridget Jones syndrome?
Anuptaphobia is as we said the fear of being single.
It is a disorder that occurs most frequently in women, usually 30 years and older, who suffer from low self-esteem and emotional dependence.
These women feel the societal pressure that would have them married with children, and thus identify sigletude as a failure, to the point that the search for a mate can become a full-blown obsession. (Hence the reference to Bridget Jones).
This fear can generate very strong anxiety and even result in depression.
Usually anuptaphobia drives a woman to obsessively collect partner after partner; enlisting the help of friends and relatives to build real mate-searching strategies, even involving loved ones in these destructive dynamics.
The problem is that for each relationship the same script is repeated, and in the end it only reinforces the sense of disappointment and failure.
Getting out of it is by no means easy, Bridget Jones syndrome is in fact a vicious cycle that often leads to obsession and self-destruction.
It is therefore necessary as a first step to start working on oneself, to improve one’s self-esteem and to untie once and for all the concept of relationship from that of self-actualization.
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Only in this way will it be possible to approach one’s love life with a newfound lightness, which is essential for not only feeling good but also for being able to actually seize love when the time comes.
In any case, should you recognize yourself in this description, do not underestimate your anxieties and do not be ashamed to seek the help of a psychotherapist to recognize the problem and deal with it in the right way.