Cohabitation: things women hate about men

Cohabitation is undoubtedly one of the most important steps you may decide to take in your love life: the initial excitement, passion, and curiosity are very strong, and in a way they are often offset by many small and very annoying household habits that your fiancé will have, and that you (of course) will detest.
Yeah, because often some dynamics are bound to take an … unforeseen turn, which doesn’t always turn out to be entirely pleasant, on the contrary.
Here then comes the dance of clutter that doesn’t turn into order until after a good fight, of light bulbs not changed, of food crumbs strewn on the floor like a novel Thumbelina, of beds not made and dustbins never emptied, just to name a few.
These are certainly not the things that are capable of making us retrace our steps, but at the same time – every once in a while – it also takes a gallery to browse through to realize that all the world is a country, and he who endures it (perhaps) wins it.