foods to eat to improve sex

Even sex has its diet, and there are foods that can enhance sexual performance quite naturally.
** People who have good sex live better, science says so **
** 8 signs to tell if you’re having enough sex **
They do so thanks to special nutrients that help blood circulation in the nether regions or that stimulate desire.
** 10 erotic movies to watch with your partner to awaken passion **
** 8 things women do in bed that men hate **
In short, if you want to increase passion, put the following 10 sex-enhancing foods in your shopping cart.
** What NOT to eat if you are going to have sex **
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Avocado is an aphrodisiac
Avocado is a superfood with aphrodisiac powers as well.
Soft, creamy and flavorful, it creates a meltiness on the tongue that entices kissing.
It contains excellent fats (the now-famous Omega 3), lots of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, confirming itself as a beneficial cocktail for health and also for sex.
The Aztec term for this food means testicle precisely because its stimulating properties were already known in ancient times.
Chocolate stimulates the brain area of sexual pleasure
Chocolate, especially when dark and free of added sugar, is a good friend of passion.
In fact, it contains phenylethylamine, a substance that can stimulate the brain area of sexual pleasure and increase endorphins.
Garlic improves male sexual performance
Garlic should be considered an excellent natural stimulant, with tonic properties and incredible ability to improve circulation.
It contains a synergy of vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, proteins, and minerals capable of giving a significant energy boost.
It also has detoxifying properties on the digestive tract and intestines that help to decongest after a hearty meal, thus without having to give up some loving motion.
The important thing, however, is that both partners consume it otherwise the intense odor this food causes to sweat and breath could actually be a hindrance to passion rather than a valuable aid.
Corn promotes the disposition to orgasm
Corn is also one of the foods of passion. Its crunchy, deep yellow kernels are such a treat for the eyes and palate that its consumption would promote a rise in dopamine, the neurotransmitter released by the brain that makes us feel euphoric and fulfilled.
Considered the hormone of pleasure and reward, dopamine is closely linked to sexual orgasm.
Chili pepper promotes erection (and female pleasure)
Among the spices most closely linked to erotic passion is chili pepper. It is an excellent vasodilator that also promotes blood flow to the genital area.
In addition, it causes thermogenesis, which is the increase in body heat that helps you get naked and want to share some of the fire.
It also creates a pleasant tingling sensation on the tongue that entices kissing.
Truffles stimulate sexual appetite
Truffles, in both white and black versions, are considered an aphrodisiac food.
It contains a hormone, androstenediol, which is present in male pig and human sweat.
It looks uninviting both at the table and in bed, but on the olfactory level it instead stimulates sexual desire.
Saffron stimulates the desire to procreate 14Saffron is sex friendly due to a high content of hormone-like substances that stimulate the desire for procreation.
In addition, its mild taste promotes good mood, and even visually, the deep yellow color implies joy and well-being.
Creating the perfect base for sex and the ecstasy that comes with it.
Cinnamon increases arousal
Already in ancient Rome, cinnamon was considered an aphrodisiac spice.
In the sixteenth century several treatises listed it as a sexual stimulant, and since then cinnamon has gone hand in hand with eros.
The reason? It causes thermogenesis, the increase in body heat, and restores blood sugar levels.
In fact, those with diabetic-type problems may experience some sexual difficulty because high glucose levels negatively affect libido.
Cinnamon can help balance everything from sugar to passion.
Stimulant, digestive and carminative, it helps with sheet marathons even after heavy meals.
For Ayurvedic medicine, it is even a remedy for impotence.
Rosemary boosts adrenaline production (making sex more wild)
A stimulating tonic capable of invigorating and driving away fatigue is rosemary.
It tantalizes taste and smell, increasing the desire for sensory involvement.
Chemically, it increases adrenaline production by acting on the adrenal gland.
Sage stimulates female hormone production
Sage is friendly to sex particularly when consumed by women.
It is even called women’s herb because on femininity it has several benefits, both physical and psychological.
It has positive effects on mood due to the presence of antioxidants such as diosmetin, apigenin and luteolin, substances that can reduce symptoms associated with depression.
Regulates T3 hormone, namely triiodothyronine, which is a thyroid hormone associated with important physiological and metabolic processes.
In general, sage can keep hormone levels in check and contains an estrogen-like substance that makes it a stimulant for her.