Ghosting: this is why there are people who, in order to get out of a relationship, disappear

Ghosting is now a widespread phenomenon, and it is estimated that 80% of people have experienced it at least once.
But what is the meaning of ghosting? We explain it with an example: you entered into a relationship, everything seemed to be going well, and then … he (or she) disappears. Into thin air. Maybe you even made love and then he (or she) never heard from you again. As if it were a normal thing to not give an explanation and disappear.
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There is little use in calling, texting and emailing or trying to contact the ghoster in any way, following his or her trail.
** What happens on a psychological level when we start ignoring someone **
Yes because, thanks to social media, you will see posts and stories that make you realize that he is just fine (no sudden illness) and that he just wanted to disappear from you.
Impossible you say?
We explain what happens when your partner suddenly disappears.
Ghosting: what it is and what kind of person does it
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Gobsters are people with little empathy
Gobsters suddenly disappear.
They don’t give explanations, they don’t try to make themselves understood, they don’t want anything more to do with that person.
What if you are the one asking? They simply don’t answer.
Their main characteristic is that they completely lack empathy, that is, they lack the ability to put themselves in the other person’s shoes.
If someone asks them what happened to you they will answer that they left you for your own good.
Why the ghoster disappears
The ghoster is a weak person.
If he comes to implement such modes, it is because his internal fragility does not allow him to deal with his feelings in another way.
The easiest thing for him to do is to escape, to run away from a reality he would not know how to deal with otherwise.
Victims should neither understand nor justify but knowing that the ghoster is a frightened person offers another perspective that helps to get through the deed.
Why do they do it?
Those who disappear into thin air decide not to take responsibility for their actions.
For these people, the advantages are numerous: no tiring moments to live, no justifications to give, and they also avoid the burden of a less-than-easy confrontation.
In short, one avoids responsibility and lives as if that relationship never existed.
Ghosting hurts
Without getting around it too much, ghosting is a form of real violence.
In fact, the victim is greatly wronged, cannot make sense of what is happening, and the risk is to be mired in a broken relationship. Rejection hurts.
Although it is often talked about for romantic relationships, it is a passive aggressive mode that can also involve friendship or work relationships.