Here are what are the 10 most common sexual fantasies among women

People fantasize about many things: a vacation to an incredible place, for example, a life-changing job, winning the lottery or a dream house-and he has no problem talking about it. So why be ashamed when it comes to sexual fantasies?
Whether you prefer to call them impure thoughts, or daydreams, these sexy scenarios that haunt the most aroused corners of your mind are perfectly normal.
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People have sexual fantasies for the same reason they have other fantasies: sometimes it’s a form of escape from reality, and other times it’s wondering ‘what would happen if…’
However, these are often taboo thoughts, or they run up against social barriers. In general, however, the nature of these fantasies is to push a person a little beyond his or her limits, allowing him or her to imagine situations that rarely, if ever entirely, occur in order to explore the depths of his or her own desires.
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While some sexual fantasies may be more common than others, what people fantasize about is as diverse as the people themselves. Not only that, those fantasies can constantly change and be influenced by a person’s surrounding reality or even what is mainstream in pop culture at a given time.
Are you wondering then what your sexual fantasies might mean, regardless of whether you then actually intend to try them out?
Here are the 10 of the most common sexual fantasies in women (and how to put them into practice).
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The most common sexual fantasies among women
Curious to know what the 10 most common sexual fantasies are?
BedBible, a company that describes itself as the go-to source for advice and tips on intimacy, adult products, and sex, surveyed more than 1,000 American women to find out their top sexual fantasies.
Before going into the details of the final results, it is worth reporting that this sexual wellness company revealed that 68 percent of the participants said they preferred to keep their fantasies to themselves, 29 percent feared judgment from others, and the remainder had a bad reaction to the question.
We believe that all sexual fantasies should be shared and celebrated, whenever it is safe and consensual to do so, said a Bedbible representative. No one deserves to feel uncomfortable or judged for what they like, as we all have different preferences.
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Without further ado, here then are the most common sexual fantasies:
Oral sex: 32%
Sex in an unusual place: 25%
Role playing: 24%
Sex with a celebrity: 22%
Sex with an ex: 19%
Sex in a public place: 19%
Sex with more than one partner: 19%
Anal sex: 18%
Sex with a same-sex partner: 17%
Being dominated: 17%
It is important to note that having these thoughts does not necessarily mean that you really want to experience them in real life. Sometimes fantasies are just that: fantasies, and that’s perfectly fine.
It is actually quite normal to have sexual fantasies that ignite your passion, but yet you don’t want to experience them in real life for a variety of reasons, say experts.
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That said, if you are instead interested in turning those fantasies into reality, you should definitely not be ashamed of wanting to fulfill your most arousing dreams.
But how to do it?
First, experts suggest taking a step back and considering whether you really want the fantasy to become reality. More specifically, be sure to put in place thisto fantasy because you really want to, and not because you are trying to please someone else.
Talking to your partner, or the person with whom you would like to enact this fantasy, is another key step to make sure you are proceeding in a healthy and consensual way.
The experts’ advice is to broach the subject at a time free of sexual tension. Talk about it at a casual time, whether it is over dinner or when you are taking a walk.
This is critically important to make sure that everyone is on the same page and that they have had the time and space they need to be able to think about the realization of such fantasies.