How do I know if I still really love him?

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You’ve noticed lately that your emotions aren’t as strong as they used to be. Sometimes we wonder about the evolution of our feelings. So most of us want to search far into the memories the reasons why we fell madly in love with him or her. We wonder what is the real bond that attaches us to our other half; a simple illusion, fear of the future or a certain fear of being alone.
You certainly want to know if you still love him or her? Let’s try together to make a self-diagnosis on your love feeling in order to check if you are still in love or not!
You are always ready to give even more
A sign that helps you to understand that you still love him/her is the desire to give him/her more unconditionally, even if you feel that you have already given a lot in spite of the tense situation in your couple; your sufferings and your frustrations; you still want to help him/her naturally. If someone has nothing left to give, it means that there is nothing left to offer to the one he or she loves. It is best to move on instead of insisting on a sterile and disappointing relationship.
Do you really like him or her?
Certainly, your partner has exceptional qualities that others do not possess and that have convinced you that he or she is a good person. We’re not talking about the fun you have when you go shopping together or go on vacation at the beach; the question here is whether you really appreciate him or her for who he or she is. Because, if your love has other motives, but is not sincere, your relationship is an illusion. When a couple’s relationship begins to deteriorate, one or the other can no longer stand the mood swings, whims and bad manners of his or her partner, especially in public.
Imagine a future without this person
This is very important before making any decisions. When you think about your future, is this person in it? It is not easy to end a relationship that has lasted for years. You should carefully analyze whether the absence of your partner would shatter your world and collapse you into a serious disappointment. Be completely honest with yourself when you imagine yourself as being in a without your partner in the future. Would your life suffer or prosper?
Any breakup is difficult, because it means stepping out of your emotional comfort zone and losing someone you loved for real. However, imagine life after the breakup. Would you be happier living alone? Would you be happier with someone else? Recognize that being comfortable with someone does not necessarily mean that you love them.
Rekindle the flame
Remember why the relationship ended. If your relationship has already ended and you’re wondering if your love is still there, make sure you remember what caused the breakup. It’s easy to look back and romanticize an old relationship, but don’t ignore reality. Finally, if your relationship is floundering and you’ve come to ask yourself that famous question, whether or not you still love her, it’s time to rekindle the flame between the two of you!