How important is sex in a relationship? The experts’ answer

How important is sex in a relationship? It sounds like a trick question, but it’s one that grips more people than you think.
Sex is not always necessary, yet for many it is an important part of a healthy and fulfilling relationship. How important it is, however, varies from person to person.
Some people believe that having a sexual connection with their partner is absolutely vital, while others refer more to different types of intimacy and connection. For example, romance, fidelity, and respect are all vital components in any successful relationship.
But then how important is the role of sex in love life?
Here’s how much sex matters in a relationship
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There is no single answer to the question How much does sex matter in a relationship. The role and frequency of activity between the sheets is all up to you and your partner.
When one’s sex life as a couple is going well, which means you’re doing it consistently and don’t have any major problems, then it only accounts for about 15 to 20 percent of relationship satisfaction, explains herapeut Laurie Mintz, author of A Tired Woman’s Guide to Passionate Sex.
When it’s not going, however, it can account for a large chunk of dissatisfaction within the relationship.
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But sex is much more than intercourse-it can mean very different things in different relationships. The most important thing is that the two partners are on the same page about how much sex matters in a relationship.
According to various research, regular sex supports a healthy relationship in several ways. For example, oxytocin released during sex increases the sense of bonding and enhances emotional intimacy. In addition, sex in a monogamous relationship increases the level of commitment and emotional connection with the other person.
Sex therefore is not the secret ingredient to making a relationship work, but it certainly has its weight.
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How to have a sex life that makes you (both) happy
It is normal for there to be mismatched levels of desire between two partners; it usually happens that one partner has a higher libido and the other lower libido.
Although your sexual differences may seem like a serious problem for the relationship, there is often nothing to worry about. Again, as with so many other things in a relationship, you have to compromise.
Making room for these conversations could make the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships.
But how many times a week should you have sex?
**Do you have enough sex? Here’s the formula to find out**
According to one study, relationship satisfaction improves progressively even with only one relationship a week; which is also in line with the national average frequency.
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