How much sex is too little sex? 8 signs of a (too) inactive sex life

Come on, off the top of your head: when was the last time you had sex?
If you had to think about it for more than three seconds, it’s probably been too long.
** What happens if you don’t have sex for a long time? Here’s science’s answer **
In fact, it’s not just about sex, it’s about good sex, because when the experience isn’t fulfilling, the brain tends to remove it from the category, and the result is that your hormones get anesthetized and you end up in a vicious cycle where you forget how good sex is when it’s good.
** Are you having enough sex? Here’s the formula to find out **
And how good for your health!
Try mentally ticking off the eight points below, if you find yourself in them know that you have already crossed the line of too little – often, and too little – fulfilling.
Be that as it may, do not lose hope: better times will come.
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You don’t remember the last time
You stopped counting the days, er months, and you can’t even remember when was the last time you played tag under the sheets.
This means that you have not only put up dust but you actually have cobwebs that need to be removed.
Sure, it’s not easy to find a male being worth having come up to your house but you shouldn’t completely give up hope, it happens to everyone, the important thing is to break the cycle sooner or later.
You have become so accustomed to abstinence
You are so used to not dancing the rumba that even your hormones have gone into a prolonged hibernation and do not respond to any stimulus, even the most obvious ones.
Result? You miss most opportunities and think it is much but much better to go to sleep quietly than to wink at the cute guy who just smiled at you.
Kick your hormones and wake them up, if spring didn’t do it you should.
You can’t call the last time sex
Okay, you ended up going to his house, talking all night, and then at some point he jumped you but you can’t exactly call that experience like it was really something relevant.
Let’s say you hardly noticed it happened and therefore you can’t put it on the list of real experiences, you could rather define it as quick and painless.
He would need the map
Maybe they are too used to using google maps and so they should provide him with a map to explore you as well, some kind of parking sensor that would let him know when he is approaching something that is even vaguely similar to the button he would have to push to make you reach happiness.
Help him.
No one deserves bad sex. Certainly not you.
The last ones were smart but didn’t apply themselves
Or at least, they didn’t apply themselves to make you happy but only to make themselves happy, let’s say they were all a little too selfish and not very dedicated to you or even didn’t care much about your presence either.
Here, these individuals should be escorted to the door and invited to engage in DIY manual activities.
Next time take away the satisfaction of telling them, it will not improve your sex life but it will give you dignity.
You haven’t slept with a man in a very long time
Probably because the ones you’ve been dating lately are best made to disappear in seconds, the problem is that being alone after someone has breaded and fried you like a schnitzel is a bit demeaning.
It’s like depression after a hangover, first you’re overjoyed and you’re screaming to the heavens, but afterwards you’re just left with a bigdissimilar headaches and lots of nausea.
There are more times you pretend
You would rather pretend than have to explain to him that this is not how it works; know, however, that every time you don’t tell a man that he is unable to make you very happy you are sending him back out into the world to make other women unhappy.
Yes, being a woman is often incredibly frustrating and yes it’s not fair to always have to explain everything but sex is communication and if you don’t talk you end up doing something that resembles a crunch abs session.
Prefer to stay home and watch TV series
Don’t lose hope, finding someone to have a good workout with is not easy, especially if there are no feelings on the plate, but it is by no means impossible.
So don’t get depressed by the series of negative experiences, don’t lock yourself in the house doing TV series marathons, and don’t build some kind of comfort zone that you don’t want to get out of.
Surprise yourself, talk and never judge yourself, after all, awareness is something you earn on the field.