How to get your ex back? Tips

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Has your life partner left you? You left your partner on a misunderstanding and you regret it? Whatever happened in the matrix, there was a mistake and you want to remedy it: after all, it can’t end like that!
The flowers of evil make us feel good…
In a breakup, it is always said that one of the two suffers more than the other. Indeed, when your darling decides to end your relationship, it may concern you directly, but you have no power of decision. So inevitably, after the silence of the argument, come the questions. Ah, those pesky questions, you know them only too well, don’t you? Because in addition to leaving you, he or she has not been very clear about his or her motives or about some of the terms used during this famous break-up scene (terms that had not, of course, attracted your attention before you found yourself alone to cogitate). Is it because I’m too jealous? Or the classic I’m sure he/she is ashamed of me… Or the famous Wait… he/she said I snore?! . More quickly than we would like, we fall into paranoia about the smallest words spoken in recent months. Stay calm! Take a deep breath!
It’s never just one person’s fault, and pestering your ex with questions about what you need to do to get him or her back won’t make it happen! On the contrary, it will exasperate him/her even more and he/she might boast to you with a Bah you see you should know where you slipped up, that’s why it’s over between us. Which, let’s be honest, would be deserved. Don’t inflict this unnecessary torture on yourself even though, let’s face it, sometimes it’s nice and easy to be unhappy…
Run away from me I’m following you…
Don’t wallow in unhappiness and loneliness! After all, you certainly don’t want your ex back out of pity? No! You’re better than that and you’re going to prove it! A breakup is a good time to take even better care of your appearance than usual, especially if your goal is to win back your girlfriend’s heart.
First of all, try to keep a cordial contact with your ex, no big tearful tirades or angry pamphlets, no! Stay in touch.n term, without saying too much either. And yes, cultivate the mystery! Make them want to be interested in you again and be patient. Show them that you are making an effort, without always overdoing it. But be careful, these efforts must never be fake, he or she would realize it too quickly. If you really want him/her to come back, you have to want it to the end and therefore be ready to question yourself! Only after that, try an outing, or even a dinner with your ex. As your relationship will have remained very friendly, there is no reason for him/her to refuse!
This will give you an opportunity to discuss your situation from a better angle: yours!
…Follow me and I will run away from you!
Only… Should you really try to get your ex back? That is the question! After all, if the relationship came to its breaking point it is because there were reasons. Be honest with yourself, do you really want to go through this again? The arguments over the TV program, the Saturdays at mother-in-law’s house, finding yourself freezing in the middle of the night, the blanket missing… Isn’t it simply time to take stock of your life and go it alone? It’s worth thinking about…