How to manage a love at first sight ?

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What is love at first sight?
If we refer to the dictionary, love at first sight is defined as:
And in real? In love, love at first sight, when we experience it what is it? It is the heart that stops suddenly and then bounces back very strongly, the legs that give way, the impression that time stops on this person you have just met… There is also her perfume that intoxicates you, her words that make you misty, the impression of having known her forever… and in the background float the incredible, the wonderful, and their dull friend the reasonable. Don’t neglect the latter, it can be a precious help to thwart Cupid, before he leads you astray on dangerous grounds, explanations…
The most beautiful stories are sometimes those that don’t begin
By this formula I don’t mean that you won’t live this passion in love, that you should get away from it immediately… on the contrary, take the time of the meeting, of the discovery, don’t skip the steps!
Sometimes to better appreciate a moment, nothing is better than knowing how to wait for it… even and especially when it comes to love at first sight! A way to avoid during this whirlwind, the unfortunate headshots. Whether it is the clandestine meetings that risk being discovered or the hasty decisions to leave everything…
A way also to know if this love at first sight is shared, because sometimes we can fall for someone without it being reciprocal. It is also important to know if this person is available and willing to meet and what color he or she wants to give it.
Stay in the platonic to stay in the magic… and seize your chance
A bit like when you were a child and you were waiting for Christmas. What a pleasure to wait, to enjoy the atmosphere to finally discover the object of all your wishes and to live the best moment. This period of latency, of at least one quarter, will help you to see more clearly in yourself and in the other. Indeed, if you are already in a relationship, this will allow you to take stock without risking everything.
A month to discover yourself, a month to appreciate yourself, a month to see if you’re going to continue… without giving too much away and without giving too much away, because you’ll avoid making a big deal out of everything. We create a soil, a universe before thinking of more. Because even if we pretend to know that it can also go wrong, living it is otherwise difficult. A love at first sight involves our heart and our life and can have many collateral damages.
To succumb to love at first sight is to risk ruining everything
Love at first sight is quick, it falls on you without warning, so they say. Also to succumb to it without thinking is dangerous. As much for you as for the beautiful story you could have lived.
Because it must first be a beautiful story! Because even if you decide to remain at a platonic stage, you will be able to keep the brilliance of the first dazzle, like a small diamond which will remain forever brilliant. This will not necessarily be true if you let yourselves be consumed too quickly…
So remember, in order to better live a love at first sight, always have the lightning rods that are patience and measure. They are undoubtedly your best allies to keep your head cool and your heart warm…