How to seduce a woman on the internet?

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A pretty picture
At the risk of sounding cliché, it is the case to say it, seduction on the Internet starts as in many meetings by the sight. So, taking care of your picture is a must!
Be careful, taking care is not lying! No photo from ten years ago, no photo with a filter, no photo of a friend…even less…be truthful!
Check your hairstyle, don’t hesitate to refresh your haircut beforehand, opt for a plain linen shirt preferably (well ironed, not closed all the way to the top, nor too open). The long sleeve tee-shirt, or the polo shirt not too colorful are a good alternative too. Also, banish too much jewelry and too dark colors: brighten up your personality, light up your look by giving confidence! In this case, it is similar to the advice for selling a house or an apartment: you want a maximum of chances, so go for elegance, neutral tones and brightness!
Also focus on the decor, no messy rooms behind you, no dirty walls or torn wallpaper. The idea is to make you look good in a simple and healthy way.
Same for the pose: don’t overdo it! Avoid photos at the gym or in front of your car…
If you want to have a contentment, have your photo taken with a book, a coffee cup… a bit like if we were already with you, in a chic and cosy intimacy…
Make her dream!
Here again, without lying! The woman you’re talking to doesn’t want you to be a billionaire or an Apollo. If she does, she’ll be fine with it of course… but even if you don’t have either of the two characters close together, you can bring her dreams. How can you do that? Simply by taking her out of her everyday life and caring about her.
A few tips
Often, the woman you are going to talk to is coming out of one or more disappointing relationships. The disappointments she has experienced revolve around recurring themes: her partner didn’t care enough about her, didn’t compliment her anymore, put his passions, his work or his friends before her. They even ended up not going out anymore!
Here you have the keys to seduce her: make her feel that she is intelligent, that her personality pleases you, that she is different from the others, that she has a lot ofcharm. Don’t hesitate to tell her that she fits very well with your hobbies, that she would embellish your trips…
Humor, yes but not too much…
Beware of easy adages: woman who laughs, woman who laughs that’s all…
Humor is for after we know each other a little, so we avoid shocking, hurting, we take the time to discover ourselves…