How to tell if he is attracted to you by analyzing his body language

When it comes to relationships, everything is not always easy to interpret, and when we are in the early stages of a relationship with a guy we know little about, it can even happen that we cannot tell if he is attracted to us or if it is just sympathy and kindness.
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However, as much as the only certainty we will have is in the case of a direct statement, there are a wide variety of clues that can help us understand whether or not he is attracted to us from a physical and relational point of view.
This is body language, through which we can read hidden messages in the attitudes we enact without realizing it when we are interested in someone.
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There are some classic telltale signs in fact that we unintentionally make when we like someone, such as maintaining eye contact or making excuses to be physically close.
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But there are also some more subtle signs that are not always easy to notice and interpret. Here are which ones.
7 signs to keep in mind to find out if he’s attracted
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(Continued below photo)
Signs to know if he is attracted
1. Laughs often
The way we converse with people varies according to whether or not we are attracted to who is in front of us.
For example, if someone laughs often at your jokes, it does not necessarily mean that you are a born comedian; rather, it could indicate that the other person has attraction or feelings toward you.
Psychologist and relationship expert Neil Wilkie said,
This is a sign that the barriers are coming down and that they are more open to you. In other words, it means they find you attractive and want to make a deeper connection with you.
2. Has dilated pupils
When a person’s pupils dilate, it can mean many things. One of them, explains psychologist and Dr. Susan Marchant-Haycox, is arousal.
Pupil dilation is a good telltale sign of attraction and arousal. It is a factor that a person cannot control so it is definitely authentic.
Try to be near you physically
One of the most obvious and easily recognized signs.
If someone keeps moving their body to be physically close to you, perhaps even leaning in or brushing against you, then this is a clear indication that there is physical attraction.
4. Mimics your movements
According to Dr. Marchant-Haycox, the more attracted a person is to you, the more likely they are to mirror your body language exactly; even modifying their own to match yours.
For example, if you are sitting across from each other in a restaurant and the other person copies your pose, it could actually be an important signal.
5. Lower your tone of voice
According to various research, people tend to lower their tone of voice when they are attracted to the person they are conversing with.
They will lower their tone of voice because they think it sounds more attractive, explains Dr. Marchant-Haycox.
6. Do you touch your neck, hair, or mouth?
While it is obvious that if someone is attracted to you they might be more inclined to physical touch, it is less obvious that they might be more tactile toward themselves as well.
In what sense? The doctor explains, When people are attracted to someone, they often touch their face or hair or start twisting their hair around their fingers. They might also touch their neck or find ways to touch their mouth and lips with their fingertips.
Pay attention to these physical signs, they are really revealing.
7. Never drop a conversation
We all know it: when we are attracted to someone, we never want to stop talking to this person.
Therefore, one of the first signs to know if there is attraction is the way that person fills any silence, whether it is with a question or a simple observation or statement.
They will be eager to make sure that there is no pause in the conversation to ensure that there is always a mutual exchange of ideas and thoughts.