How to understand women to seduce? 8 characteristics of female psychology

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To succeed in seducing a woman and building a serious relationship with her, it is essential to understand her. But female psychology is subtle. Trying to understand these ladies can sometimes be a real headache.
To begin with, keep in mind that you should always remain yourself, and not adapt too much to what a woman expects from you. Your relationship must be based on sincerity, and if you understand well how your companion thinks, you will simply be able to meet her expectations and anticipate certain situations. Women’s love behavior is conditioned by 3 main factors: genetic programming, social pressure and their personality.
In fact, women have very different needs than men, and you cannot succeed in conquering a woman and thinking that what you like will necessarily please them. It is also difficult to adopt a universal strategy that works every time. Even if it is difficult to know exactly what women want, it is nevertheless possible to understand how their thoughts are structured.
Here are 8 essential points to remember about female psychology to pick up a girl.
1. Women naturally need to feel secure
A woman must feel confident in a romantic relationship. She constantly needs to know that the feelings she has are shared. To reassure her, tell her and show her that you love her and are there for her as much as she needs. Don’t be too intrusive though. But always have a little something to show that she means a lot to you. Feeling genuinely loved will make her feel safe with you.
Be protective of her too. Knowing that she can count on your protection in case of a hard time will be essential for her to gain confidence in you. A man often has this role of rock and shield for women in the face of life’s difficulties.
2. women are looking for stability in love
Most women are looking for a beautiful love story made to last. Stability is fundamental. In order to fully develop in the relationship, she will have to know that you want to be in a relationship with her for good, and that she will not be just another conquest for you. This is the best way to get her to come out of her shell and reveal her feelings and personality. Show her that you want to build a long-term relationship and that you’re done with one casual encounter after another. The seduction is not only for the first days
The game of seduction is very attractive to women. They like to feel that they are attractive. For this reason, they take care of their appearance and want to charm their partner all the time. Know how to be sensitive to their efforts and play their game.
It is not a one-way street! So to keep your beloved close to you, be as charming and inventive as you were on your first dates. This will have the effect of keeping away the routine that scares a lot of men and women. They need to feel an irrepressible attraction towards their partner.
4. Women’s discretion and reserve: the result of conditioning
Female behavior is subject to significant social pressure. Women are constantly scrutinized, and they feel that their every move will be judged. When it comes to relationships, the pressure is always strong, and they often hold back from showing their emotions. They absolutely don’t want to be seen as an easy girl who is likely to have a string of one-night stands. To protect themselves from this label, some of them are quite discreet and do not reveal their feelings. They may appear shy, or disinterested in your advances, when in reality they are simply trying not to let you believe that your story will only be a passing fancy.
5. a woman must feel free and independent
After fighting so hard for equal rights with men, women have kept the instinct to be independent. They need to keep their habits, and to continue their life even when they start a new couple life. They thrive on keeping time for the activities they love, for their work and for their loved ones. It is therefore important to know how to be present without being oppressive.
6. Use humor to seduce a woman
Know how to use humor in order to install a real complicity between you. TheWomen love to laugh, and they like a relaxed and natural atmosphere, especially when getting to know a man. Humor is a very good way to overcome shyness, and the reserve of first dates.
7. An attentive man has every chance of seducing
If there is one thing women appreciate, it is that men really listen to them. It’s not about letting her talk and nodding wisely. It’s about being genuinely interested in what your partner is telling you, and what she’s doing. You need to retain as much information as possible that she can convey verbally or non-verbally. She will be pleasantly surprised to find out that you have noticed that she prefers this or that drink and that you have already ordered it for her while waiting for her, for example. Be attentive and observant at the same time, she will be bluffed.
8. Remember that every woman is unique
To conquer the woman you covet, keep in mind that she is unique, and that you can’t adopt a standard behavior with all your conquests. Some women will be more sensitive than others to certain attentions. Keep an open mind, and get to know the woman in front of you before trying to get involved with her.Take the time to discover what makes her so special and what defines her personality. Find out about her tastes, habits and hobbies. Take an interest in her work, friends and family. This way, you’ll be able to meet her expectations as best as possible, without the risk of disappointing her with banal outings or overly generalized gift ideas. By taking a real interest in her personality, you will make the difference with the other men in her life, and no doubt she will be in better conditions to fall in love.