Is it just a friend or…? 10 surefire signs to know if there is love margin

You begin to believe that your friendship is actually more than that, but it is not easy to tell if that is the case for the other person or if you are ending up the victim of a potentially painful qui pro quo.
To tell if there is more to it than friendship, there are some very clear signs that you just need to know how to read for an answer.
If you find yourself in three or more of the situations described below, the possibility that it is more than just friendship is sky-high.
**How to tell if he only sees you as a friend (or if there’s an edge instead)**
**The foolproof signs to tell if a man likes you**
10 signs to tell if it’s more than friendship
(Continue reading after the photo)
It bothers one of you (or both of you) to hear the other talk about other people
To see if it is more than a friendship, try to intercept the feelings of both of you when you talk about each other’s love life.
If you notice a certain agitation, an annoyance mixed with anxiety, then it is likely that there is more than friendship flowing between you and him.
Why else would he bother you?
The same thing applies in reverse: if you notice that he often asks you questions about who you are interested in, who you would like to date, and so on, there is something lurking under the blanket of friendship.
Talk badly about guys you’re interested in
When you tell him you find a guy cute he belittles him or talks badly about him.
Sometimes we don’t even realize it but subconsciously we work hard to pass off the crush the person we are interested in has on another person (who is not us).
The reason why could only be related to a possessive nature, however, it is also possible that it is something else, i.e., jealousy not from friends but from something more.
You prefer to see yourself alone
Another fairly unmistakable sign is the desire to be alone.
Whereas you used to go out in groups, you now prefer to see each other alone, being tête-à-tête.
The truth is that you would like to form a couple. To be in two is to be in a couple. If the underlying feeling goes beyond friendship, the couple will also blossom into love sooner or later.
You are beginning to be a little shy
Do you lower your gaze, do you find yourself almost stuttering, are you often flustered when he is around and don’t understand why? Maybe it’s because you like him, and you hope the friendship can become something more.
If you didn’t feel all these new feelings before, maybe it means that something in your relationship has changed. Sometimes all it takes is a gesture, a touch, an appreciation, or a softer word than usual to turn the tables. And often this is completely unconscious, not yet clear to the person experiencing it.
If he, too, acts the same way, more shyly and somewhat awkwardly, he may suddenly be attracted to you.
You take better care of your appearance when you have to see each other
You used to show up in your pajamas and make-up removed, while now you think about makeup & wig with manic precision before you see him. There, that’s a very telling clue.
So if you notice an unseen attention in the care of your or his appearance, cat’s out of the bag.
You’re seeing each other more frequently but feel like you don’t spend much time together
Is there a test to see if you really like him or is he just a friend? The time you spend together is a good litmus test.
If you used to see each other a couple of times a month and now instead there is not a day that goes by that you don’t hear from each other and meet, it could mean something. Especially if the desire to be with him is such that you feel like you areTo see little of him anyway.
Make up your mind how much you saw each other this week and if the answer is every day then there is more to it than just that good friendship you thought.
The basic rule is: if you see and hear from him more than your mom, he is more than a friend.
Create physical contact often
The constant temptation to touch, brush against, and hug someone hides a search for physical contact that can mean many things. First and foremost, a crush.
If you really want to understand how you feel about him, try to dwell on the range of emotions you experience as you brush against each other.
And to see if he’s in it up to his neck as well, in addition to noticing your feelings also analyze his at the moment contact occurs.
If he winces, smiles, gets embarrassed, turns red in the face or begins to stutter from excitement, the answer is yes.
Make jokes about what it would be like to be together
Two real friends who feel nothing at all for each other (except friendship precisely) would never, ever fantasize about what it would be like to be together. It just wouldn’t occur to them.
If it happens to you and him differently, however, and you find yourselves winking, flirting, and making jokes about what it would be like to be together, then know that there is not 100 percent friendship between the two of you.
Maybe not even love, all right, but still not lacking the basis for it to establish itself further down the road. Stay tuned.
You listen to each other without interruption
Being quiet and listening raptly to someone means holding them in the highest regard, which is not always the case with friends.
If, on the other hand, you are perfectly attuned to each other, with your gaze mesmerized by his eyes and hanging on his lips, it means that you also like him in the most passionate sense.
You check each other’s social profiles
Obsessively checking (ahem) what you do online frequently, wondering who the heck is that chick who put a heart under his profile picture, peeking at what he posted on Instagram and sifting through every tweet is definitely an unhealthy, but inevitable practice in the transition phase from friendship to love.