Questions to find out if there is chemistry with a person you just met

Remember the iconic 36 questions for falling in love? Well, this is the 2021 version for figuring out if there is feeling, in the midst of a pandemic when digital dating is the easiest (or perhaps the only) way through which we can meet new people.
** If you’re looking for love, you should try Tinder (for at least these 3 reasons) **
21 questions to really get to know a partner you’ve just met (virtually or in person) and figure out if he or she might be the one for us: 21 trivia facts that will tell you a lot more about him or her than a simple chat would.
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Suggesting them to us were real first meeting experts: the folks at Tinder.
Try it to believe it.
21 questions to figure out if there is chemistry with someone you just met
(Continued below photo)
Describe yourself in a tweet
It’s a good way to help him focus on the essentials and figure out what’s on his mind.
2. Tell me what are the last three emoji you used
It gives you a sense of what his emotional state is
3. What is something that you just don’t understand the hype it generates?
It reveals his type of character and his approach to things. Is he someone who thinks for himself?
4. Your favorite meme of 2020?
It shows their understanding and attitudes toward current events. Are they empathetic to their surroundings?
5. Who do you answer first: your mother, a friend, a colleague?
Reveal who you are closest to in your life and what your inner circle is.
6. Work to live or live to work?
Show your values and their view of the meaning of life.
7. Last snack?
What is one treat your match just won’t give up? Is he a foodie or a health nut?
8. Tell me a secret that no one else knows….
Challenge openness and the ability to be vulnerable. A scary question. How long does your match take to answer?
9. What three words would your closest friend use to describe you?
Gives an objective view of your match from an outsider’s perspective
10. Soundtrack of your life?
Reveals your partner’s musical tastes. How do they see themselves? What is their character type – romantic, fun, or partying?
If you could do anything in life, knowing that you cannot fail, what would you do?
A very broad question, it helps us give room for imagination and encourages vulnerability
12. Who is your guilty celebrity crush?
It tells us something about the person, their projections. It reveals what they desire: characteristics, qualities and appearance.
13. What is the awkward moment that keeps you awake at night?
The night is a time of solitude, silence and darkness. This answer will show you his innermost feelings.
14. Choose between TikTok or Netflix
Show whether your match is an active and engaging person or prefers the couch and quiet. Introverted team or extroverted team?
15. What is the craziest thing on your bucket list?
This question is on the borderline between being silly and being original, fun.
16. Early bird or nocturnal animal?
This is a lifestyle question and will tell you a lot about what your match likes to do and in what environment it operates best
17. Who would play me in a movie?
Encourage your match to tell you who you remind him or her of, it can be a safe and fun way to indirectly say something about what he or she thinks of you
18. Who is the greatest covidiot of 2020?
This is a question to see if you and the other person are on the same page. Talking about social issues can help you see if you are aligned on what you think.
19. If we were not in isolation, what would we be doing right now?
This question brings us back to the here and now. It references the body, place, and takes the conversation out of the cognitive and affective realm and into the behavioral realm instead.
20. What exactly makes you feel nauseous?
This question can tell you if your match follows its most visceral instincts.
21. What is the worst lie you have told to get away from a date?
This is an opportunity to reveal someone’s true personality. Underneath you are asking: can I trust you, what lies would you tell me?