Should you reconnect with your first love?

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Tinged with sweet nostalgia, the first lines of this song by Laurent Voulzy evoke a memory that marks forever, because lived with the intensity of the very first times: the first love…
For many of us, the memory of this first love, trots like this melody, it’s a quiet refrain that slumbers in us. But sometimes, for some, it starts to tint stronger, to resound in loop in the head. It becomes the fashionable tune… and the desire to reconnect with that first love eventually emerges…
What if you follow your heart?
Go for it! Recontact him (her)! Reconnect with him (her)! Shouts a little voice inside. We only have one life! It was so good when we were together….
So good? Was it? If you are sure of this, then go ahead and follow the impulse of your heart and happiness will be yours!
But no, STOP! Come back! Don’t give in to this apparent ease which is not really a guarantee of happiness, far from it…
Follow your heart, yes, but not before having evaluated its content, explanations…
Your heart has many reasons that need to be well understood
Nothing would give you more pleasure right now than to see that face again, to put your head against that shoulder, to hear again that voice that made you so excited… Okay, but then what? When it’s done, where will you be?
Rainbow, end credits and the characters will live happily ever after? But what does your adult heart’s reason tell you?
An action to be decided with full knowledge of the facts
This adult heart’s reason must come as a support, like a compass, to continue this adventure. At this stage, there is no question of giving up already or knocking on the door of the person’s social network! Analyze within yourself what makes you happy. This love story is part of it: tick one point. But what else? The place where you live? The people you are in contact with? The couple that you may already have and that currently dissatisfies you? The image you project? Your career? Your children?
So many questions to send you a message: the human heart is not satisfied with just Christmas morning happiness. Because that’s what You may be tempted to equate it with reconnecting with your first love… Let’s face it…
Rightly or wrongly, your adult heart also runs on what’s long since settled. It functions with habits, actions and links established over time and that make it secure. Reconnecting with your first love could well upset this precious balance. This is why visualizing your life with this first love as your only element of happiness will let you know whether or not you want to renew your relationship.
Once this fact has been clearly identified through the filter of the above questions, if the answer is still YES, the time has not yet come…
Another step is indeed coming up: that of asking yourself the same questions but concerning your first love. Put yourself in his place and imagine if it is possible that for him too, reconnecting with you will constitute absolute happiness…
If the answer is also positive, then, no doubt, you must reconnect!