Single woman dating: how to know if a girl is available? 5 tips

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You have met or simply crossed this single woman several times, you may have already talked to her but without daring to ask her if she was single. You probably think that asking this question in a frontal way may seem indiscreet. Indeed, some women may feel pressured by questions that are too personal and asked too soon.
A woman may want to keep this information secret for a variety of reasons. She may be tired of her current relationship or she may want to have fun and pretend to be single. On the other hand, certain events or states of mind may cause an open-minded girl to want to keep you at arm’s length by making you believe that she is not alone. Before you start, here are some signs that can help you detect when you are in contact with single women.
1. You are entering a game of seduction
A woman who is open to dating will let herself be approached and charmed. Sometimes she will even make the first move towards a man she likes and will be the instigator of a game of seduction. In this case, it is necessary to be very attentive to the attitude that she adopts, because most women flirt in a very subtle way.
Her seduction can be so discreet that it would almost go unnoticed. A woman who is looking to seduce will not hesitate to write or call you if you give her your number, she will ask you questions about your love life, she will be attentive and she could be tactile or even establish a physical proximity with you. All this would be unthinkable if she is in a serious relationship with another man.
2. she goes out a lot with her friends
Another hypothesis is that a single woman spends more time going out with her friends. You will therefore often see her with her friends. During your meeting, direct the discussion on her habits as regards outings, if she is single, she will certainly speak to you about these friends only. Moreover, the places she frequents can also be a clue.Singles’ parties tend to take place in festive places like bars, clubs or festivals. Whenever you have the opportunity, take an interest in her hobbies and the people she shares them with. You’ll get to know her better and get as much information about her love life as possible.
3. she doesn’t talk about a specific man
If a man’s name comes up a lot when she talks about her loved ones, then it’s likely that he is her boyfriend. Try to find out more before drawing your own conclusions. It could also be a friend or family member. You can simply ask her how long she has known this man, and what their relationship is. Try to get this information as naturally as possible so as not to scare her off. You can, for example, take advantage of an anecdote she tells to say something like He seems funny, you must have known each other for a long time to have such a complicity…. She should follow up with more personal details about their relationship so you know whether or not it’s a love story.
4. A single woman doesn’t look at her phone too often and gives you her number
A woman in a relationship often receives calls or messages from her partner. She can also expect to hear from him very regularly. She will therefore often have her eyes glued to the screen of her cell phone to check if her partner has tried to reach her. She may also check the time so as not to be late for her date with her man.
A woman in a relationship will certainly not risk leaving her phone number with a man who is courting her. So if you ask for her number and you get it, it means that she is available and you can hope for a new meeting with this free girl.
5. Her social networks don’t reveal any man too close to her
A discreet method to get confirmation of the singleness of the woman you want to seduce is to look at her Facebook or Instagram profile, if you know her profile name. A man who frequently appears in her photos, and who seems very close to her could most certainly be her mate, and the comments and captions written underneath could also contain ivaluable information on this subject. You may feel like a modern day spy, but it’s a pretty effective way to find out what she’s hiding, or what you don’t dare ask her.
If a woman is not free, she will soon let you know. If she is in a stable relationship, she will not let you approach her too easily. She will quickly bring up her partner in the discussion. She will also keep physical distance from you. If she doesn’t and you’re not sure about her situation, then dare to ask her before you risk wasting your time hitting on a woman who isn’t available.
There is no harm in asking whether a woman is single or not before you court her. On the contrary, it is a sign of respect towards her and her potential life partner. She will know your intentions and will be able to react according to her own expectations towards you. And on your side you will be fixed. And if she is not available you can quickly look for a woman who is ready to be seduced.
If asking this question really scares you, don’t hesitate to use humor. For example, tell her that her man is lucky to have her in his life, that you have planned a nice outing with friends and that you would like to invite her but you don’t know if there is room for her man.
Another solution to meet a single girl without making a mistake is to go to parties or activities reserved for people waiting to meet. This way you will have one less question to ask yourself when you approach a single woman.