Tell me where he took you on a first date and I’ll tell you what kind of man he is

The first date can tell you a lot about the man proposing even before you meet him.
Yeah, because where and when you meet is a building block that will help you trace the outlines of your date’s personality.
To lump everything together would be wrong (and inexcusable!), but it is equally true that certain recurrences in place choice are revealing of men’s character and intentions.
How to tell what kind of man he is by the first date he proposes to you
First date for breakfast at a café
This is an unusual choice, but more common than you might think, and before going to work early in the morning, you will find yourself gobbling up a cappuccino and brioche in front of the one with whom you have exchanged countless text messages over the previous weeks.
Proponents of this type of dating tend to harbor an underlying confusion: can breakfast call itself a date with all the hallowed attributes?
In their minds (and probably in yours as well) the answer is no, and it is revealing of an initial reticence to commitment.
Make yourself a decongestant mask to get rid of the bags under your eyes, apply generous doses of blush, and still don’t give up a first cup of coffee as soon as you wake up: if the game is going to be tough, you need to field the best line-up you have.
Lunch First Date
Less strenuous than breakfast, but equally bizarre, lunch is also the classic fake first date, usually proposed by men who like to play it safe and not launch into risky proposals that might cause you to fly too far off the handle.
The fact that it takes place infra-weekly will give you only one hour, that of the break, to study your date and catch any cryptic signals.
Try not to focus all the conversation on the current workday, tell him about yourself, what you love to do in your spare time, and if he is really interested, you will see that he will find a hook to propose a second date.
Maybe after 6 p.m.
At the aperitif
The man who proposes having an aperitif as a first date is – in fact – a possibilist.
Because the aperitif itself puts the ball in the middle and opens up an infinite number of forks in the road: will it turn into dinner after a couple of drinks?
Will it allow the man in question (and perhaps you as well) to elegantly sidestep by feigning a sudden emergency? Will it evolve into a colossal bender whose ending will be censored for years to come?
Don’t wrap your head around it before time, and focus on the one certainty you have: this kind of invitation is like the opening line of a book, and the rest is all to be written.
First dinner date
Rings of bells, sound effects, sirens blaring: it’s serious business here.
The man who as an initial outing takes you out to dinner is really interested in you.
In fact, this kind of date armors him at the restaurant table, and-unless he is a masochist-this is a commitment that no one would make to a person toward whom he does not feel a minimum union of attraction.
Of course, it will then be the small talk that decides the outcome of the evening, but you are certainly looking at a guy who is fairly confident, who has perhaps navigated the magnum sea of dating for quite a while, and now knows very well what he wants and how to go about getting it.
Sort of a godsend these days: slap a high five on yourself in the mirror, and rush off to study the best outfit you can pull off.
For an after-dinner drink
Orange light for theMost 80s invitation you can get. You’re either about to date a career yuppie (or presumed yuppie) or a man who likes to get down to business.
And most of all loves not to get lost in idle chit-chat and go fast.
It is known to most that we live in an age when time is money and he who stops is lost, but perhaps not all of them appreciate the sprint of a seasoned centometrist.
The decision is entirely up to you: should you wish to join the race, statement lingerie and preventative waxing are recommended.
First date at the movies
Unless you’re about to go on a date with a high schooler or an avid cinephile, the first date at the movies is a tad creepy.
Think about it for a moment: why would a man inaugurate (what is hopefully) a series of dates with you in a place where the impossibility of chatting prevails?
Shyness and lack of confidence in one’s own abilities seem the most plausible reasons guiding this choice: should you decide to accept, be shrewd in your pre-show bar orders.
Avoid popcorn and sodas in case your datedecides to sacrifice watching the movie for something else; better to fall back on an iced tea and quick and easy-to-chew gummy bears.
At a social event
If you have received such an invitation, then surely your date is a born presencer prone to narcissism, as he undeniably loves to show off his prey to others.
There is certainly also the positive side of the matter, as the man in question apparently does not shy away from introducing you to friends and acquaintances, which in itself is an important step for humanity.
Take it sportingly: your long-held party spirit will rejoice, as will that dress that has been lying untouched in the closet for too long … not to mention that, by the law of large numbers, you may well meet someone more interesting than your date.
Well, surely it must have been a passion for clubbing that united you in the first place, and in that case then it all adds up.
If not, ask yourself whether what you are looking at is a kidult – or child in an adult’s body, whatever – and decideyou whether it is still worth a try (who knows, maybe you might even end up enjoying it later) or decline the offer from the start and wait for a better one.
If you choose the first option, pay close attention to the type of evening and music it will be going to, because even these details are often revealing–and just hope that a possible afterward is not included.
Or at the very least, make sure it is not a dancing after, at least.
First date for four, with another couple
Embarrassment, tremendous embarrassment. This man is a relative, if not close friend, of the film buff, the only difference being that he doesn’t need a screen to hide his insecurities, but a sidekick–in fact, four sidekicks.
Now, if you are a born pr, with unprecedented talents for affabulation and little inclined to feel uncomfortable in somewhat bizarre and atypical situations, you will have no difficulty in accepting: good or bad it will remain an amusing anecdote to tell your friends.
Otherwise politely decline by faking a previous commitment, hoping that he will take on an extra dose of self-confidence in the meantime. Or that a more fearless individual will appear on the horizon.
First date…at his house
Um…do we really have to tell you what a man has in mind when he invites you to his house as a first date?
Whether it’s for drinks, dinner, or an after-dinner drink matters little: what you’re looking at is the male version of the classic tipper tiger, so-just in case it’s your romantic instincts that prevail-let it go.
If, on the other hand, you still wish to take a ride on the merry-go-round, book an appointment with your beautician as well, and don’t forget to stash a couple of precautions in your inner purse pocket to avoid being caught unprepared.