Ten types of women that scare men

How many times have you told yourself among friends that the men around are all crazy, that you feel like not dating any of them anymore, and that there are no longer the reassuring gentlemen of the past?
Have you ever put yourself in their shoes? Maybe they, too, don’t exactly have it easy and perhaps experience the same misadventures in love as you do.
As in, the next time you meet a new guy, pay attention to how you relate to him, because maybe you’re enacting one of those attitudes that they shy away from-sometimes rightly so.
Here are the types of women men avoid because they are terribly afraid of them.
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Those anxious to settle down
After the first date, have you already told them what you will name your children? Do you have an excel list on your computer with your wedding guests?
You should probably keep this information to yourself and only share it after a few dates (like a hundred).Men are understandably frightened of damsels who have a glowing arrow that says I definitely need to get married and have a baby within the next three years, maybe you’re the one?
Remember that putting anxiety into them gets you the opposite effect.
No moralizing whatsoever, but if every time you go out with him at the end of the night you slouch, fall down after two steps, talk macho to anyone, and then end up hugging the nearest trash can, well, you might push him away a little bit.
Sure, partying together is wonderful, but if you drink twice as much as he does and by the time he meets you have downed a bottle of prosecco and hugged all his friends, well, he might be right.
Maybe you should get your act together (or find one who drinks more than you do).
3. The clingy ones
It works the other way around with you too, and you know it: you too would run away from a man who sends you twenty voicemails a day and tattoos your initials on his bicep, so don’t do it with them.
No, it’s not polite to ask him how he’s doing three times a day, and no, it’s not a nice thought to pretend to walk by his house with a bottle of wine or ask him out the next day of your date.
Don’t rush, he will seek you out if he is interested.
4. The Cynics
There is nothing sadder than a cynical woman, the ones who have stopped wondering, who take everything apart and take the poetry out of everything.
Don’t shoot him in the ankles if he pays you a compliment and don’t pretend that you know everything about life and have already seen enough to be impervious and stainless.
He’ll think he’s up against a wall and will feel he’s in trouble: lighten up a bit, and allow yourself to be amazed-if it’s not worth it later, you can always make up for your cynicism.
5. The depressed
No, he is not your analyst, and no, he doesn’t even want to know what your analyst is telling you.
You don’t even have to tell him that the world sucks and that you would rather stay indoors forever and never go out again and that you don’t like talking to people but you love your cat very much.
Maybe you are coming out of a difficult time, but let him discover your frailties slowly, try not to spill them all on him.
6. Independents
Mind you, a successful woman is a wonderful thing, especially if she does a job she enjoys, so that is definitely good-but it should not be a competition, nor should it be some kind of contest.
Let her buy you dinner if she wants toand do it, do not tell him how much you earn and above all do not tell him that you have no need for a man.
Okay, that’s probably true, but try to get on the other side for a second. Here.
7. Whiners
Okay, your ex behaved terribly, you still feel bad about it, and yesterday you saw him with that chick who will be ten years younger than you and probably not even of age, but how is he to blame?
You have every right to cry, you can do it with your friends and you can even do it for days, but don’t do it in front of the guy who invited you for coffee.
He might not know what to do or feel a little embarrassed and think that after all, you are not ready for another story and he is not ready to be the Red Cross.
8. Psychopaths
Sometimes we can be or seem a tad crazy, respond to him badly, then come back for him, then disappear again to reappear as if nothing happened and when he gives us a chance again think that deep down we don’t like him that much and then make a scene if we see him with someone else.
Yes, it’s not just them doing it, and yes, when we engage we can be much worse.
No problem, inconsistency is woman, but then don’t be surprised if she blocks you on every device invented by man to communicate.
9. Robocops
Are you indestructible? Martial arts champions, you could break his neck with just two fingers, but maybe you shouldn’t keep him on the edge and threaten his life every time he looks at the maid.
Unless he’s a boxing champion, too, you could contact your lawyer to figure out how to make him lose track of you.
10. Do you spoil them
Does Dad buy you lots of shoes and bags? Is there nothing you want more of in your life?
All of this is wonderful but it is not necessary to let him know on the first or second date.
All men hate shoes and bags but then end up giving them to you, especially when they do something wrong.
That said, it takes time: work on strategy and don’t expect him to treat you like your daddy right away.