The benefits of fidelity in a couple

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You certainly know this famous quote from Oscar WILDE the only way to get rid of a temptation is to give in to it but do you know what happened to his character Dorian GRAY who put it into practice? Well, he simply let himself be influenced by these beautiful words of a toxic person and simply concluded a Faustian pact: he gave his soul to the devil for the benefit of futile joys and the worst sins and he ended up biting his fingers… Don’t give in to your impulses like he did and be aware of the advantages of remaining faithful to your beloved. You should not see fidelity as a duty but as a guarantee of true love which gives meaning to your life.
1. a Personal Satisfaction
The most respectable of feelings is that of fidelity (Emile DE GIRARDIN)
Nowadays the temptation is strong, the consumer society pushes to the vice in particular with the emergence of extra-marital dating sites. Thus, as soon as a grain of sand comes to darken the relationship, the frustrated and impatient individual is pushed full force by his primary instinct to go and console himself in other arms. It’s so much easier…
Being faithful has therefore become a personal will that requires inner strength and great maturity. For that, a work on oneself is necessary: the ego and its childish considerations must be put aside, to be faithful is above all to take responsibility, to manage oneself one’s own neuroses or the problems inherent in the couple: to succumb to a temptation, to let oneself be seduced, everyone can do it, we do not draw any glory from it. On the other hand, not to deviate from one’s line of conduct is to be faithful above all to oneself, not to lose oneself and therefore to respect oneself and consequently the other.
By succeeding in this challenge of remaining faithful, we feel stronger and freer because we resist social pressure. We feel proud of ourselves and we increase both our love for ourselves and our love for our partner.
Our advice: accept this temporary emptiness that you feel during tensions in the couple and communicate with your partner. Once the discomfort has dissipated, you will feel strengthened by having overcome this ordeal rather than having given in to college.ility which often has serious consequences.
2. true love
The only thing that can make love a very beautiful feeling is fidelity until death (André MAUROIS)
According to Paul CARDEL: Fidelity is when love is stronger than instinct.Once the stage of the settlement of accounts with oneself is passed, maturity is born and one considers the loved one differently. So yes, let’s admit it, the butterflies in the stomach, the passion of the first moments have disappeared but have given way to a deep tenderness, an unconditional love, devoid of personal interests: When you love someone for their looks, it’s not love, but attraction… When you love someone for their intelligence, it’s not love, but admiration… When you love someone for their money, it’s not love, but profit. But when you love someone and you don’t know why… That’s love. (Anonymous)
Faithfulness is a personal and mutual commitment that allows to weave over time solid bonds necessary for the realization of true love: one is appeased, one can be comfortable being oneself in the relationship because one does not feel judged by the other. Thus, we simply wish the happiness of the loved one and all our actions go in this direction. And it is this benevolence that gives meaning to love and by extension to existence itself.
3. Mutual Fulfillment
Faithfulness implies time and patience so that a complicity and a relationship of trust is established in the couple:
Contrary to love, which can be born instantaneously, complicity takes a long time to mature (Jean AMADOU)
With the passing of days, we learn to know and accept the way of functioning of the other, his history, we begin to share his joys and his sorrows, we discover his tastes and all that brings us closer to the beloved one to make as who would say more than one.
When this step is taken, a fluid and constructive communication is born. As a result, we have more possibilities to reach our ideal of couple which favors our blooming: we feel bloomed at all the levels: emotional (we feel loved), sexual (we are at ease with the other one and we can realize our fantasies and his), family (we share a common history), professional (we want to surpass ourselves thanks to the communicative energy of the couple…) The loved one is no longer just a lover but becomes a friend, a confidant and in a word: our other half.
We understand each other without saying a word, we feel each other’s emotions, we sometimes adopt the same language and we laugh to the same nonsense and above all … We evolve and mature together!
Moreover, fidelity blooms the couple because it allows him to concretize common projects: All alone one goes faster, together one goes further (African proverb)
4. A precious shield
First of all, to be faithful allows emotional stability and affective safety.
Then, fidelity allows, thanks to the synergy of the couple, to be stronger and to feel supported in front of the hard tests of the life.
Then, to be faithful to the other protects us from the sexually transmitted diseases that we could unfortunatly catch with another person and consequently protects our partner.
And finally, being faithful avoids serious problems such as the guilt of having cheated on the other, the loss of self-esteem and that of our partner and a brutal separation with heavy consequences…
Our advice: Always listen to your partner, give priority to the couple and always keep the flame alive. And finally, as Epicurus said, For every desire, we must ask ourselves one question: what advantage will we gain if we don’t satisfy it?