The worst zodiac signs to be in a serious relationship with
You know those bachelors who shy away from serious affairs because they just don’t feel like (or have the head for) commitment?
Here: maybe there’s a way to recognize them before you even lose your mind (and therefore before you get hurt).
How? With the horoscope, of course.
Yeah, because it may not be an exact science, but zodiac signs are often a good indicator of innate merits and flaws (with exceptions).
And apparently there are signs that struggle more than others to maintain a long-term relationship, due to a kind of congenital inability, which also stems-for those who believe in it-from the influence of the stars.
So, if you dream of a healthy and lasting relationship, know that with these 3 signs you may find quite a few difficulties.
Here are what they are and how to deal with them.(Continued below photo)
They are considered the most egoriferous of the zodiac, a characteristic that makes them not exactly inclined to adapt to another person’s needs.They struggle to put themselves in their partner’s shoes and compromise.
However, they can be mature, responsible and warm if they want to be.
This happens when they see the person by their side as a reflection of themselves and as such they care for them.SagittariusHard to keep up with a free spirit like Sagittarius. An eternal wanderer, loving his freedom more than anything else.This is why they are considered among the worst when it comes to long relationships.
The familiarity that binds the two people together is that something that people born under this sign are allergic to, busy as they are with always seeking new stimulation.To keep them by your side you should make sure that you represent an ever-changing adventure for him.This is also a sign that loves freedom and independence and therefore has a hard time stopping and bonding stably with another person for an extended period.They are the most rebellious of the zodiac, which is why when they find themselves entangled in a lasting relationship they feel their wings clipped.
They need to break out and take their own space. Which is hard for those around them to accept.
The ideal person for him is the one who sets him free, who does not try to hold him back, and who makes him feel stronger precisely because he knows he will be there without invading his space.