There are 8 kinds of kisses: how many have you tried?

Of kisses, in life, there are many. But they are not all the same, and if some were memorable others are best forgotten.
There are the ones that left you breathless, the ones you couldn’t give, and the ones you didn’t like at all or didn’t feel anything at all.
We’ve listed them from worst to best: find out how many kinds of kisses you gave and how many you still miss (and whether it’s an unfortunately or fortunately)
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The stockfish
One of the worst kisses around.
He is completely stiff, and not where he should be.
It’s those kisses where he keeps his face still and his arms down his body as if he’s been struck by lightning; you can try to loosen him up but they usually last a short time and leave you feeling frustrated.
The Eel
Directly opposite to the previous one but equally unsuccessful.
The impression is that the he in question has too much of everything: too much tongue, too much eagerness, too much saliva, too much haste.
Practically a labrador.
Definitely to be forgotten.
With the one you don’t like
You weren’t too sure you liked the guy but in the end you decided to get kissed anyway.
Mistake: at the same moment that his lips sucker-clung to yours your brain started to work out an escape route and an excuse to never do it again.
The goodbye kiss
These are the last kisses, the sad ones, made to say goodbye forever, they are kisses that taste of the end, of failure or of something that will be gone.
They are melancholy, full of negative feelings but not necessarily not beautiful. It’s just that they hurt but you remember them forever.
The blatant kiss
The one given in front of everyone, in the middle of a party or in front of your classmates or colleagues.
On a streetcar in front of your friends or at a party where everyone knows you.
It’s a nice kiss, though full of embarrassment because in the meantime everyone who knows you will be losing their jaw and leaving it on the floor and you feel tremendously watched.
It is that kiss that will make people talk about you for a long time.
The forbidden kiss
It is the one you cannot give, that you should not give, lest you get into trouble.
Why? Because it is the kiss to a friend, an engaged boyfriend or your boss or maybe you are the one who is that engaged.
It can cause you only trouble but that makes your heart beat faster at that moment.
It is pleasure that brings danger, once in a lifetime everyone should give at least one.
The long-awaited kiss
The one you’ve been waiting for months or even years for, the one you give to the guy you’ve always liked and with whom you’ve had a series of R-rated movies in your head.
It’s the one that comes from the guy who has never considered you and who after a long time surprises you and decides to stick you to the wall.
The level of liberation is very high.
The blackout kiss
There are few such kisses in the vita, they are not given every day.
They are the ones that make you forget about the world, strong as a hangover, violent as a wave that destroys everything and makes you no longer understand anything.
Who are you, where are you, what are you doing?
You won’t know anything anymore and that moment will remain strong in your head for a long time.
By the way, it is not necessarily exchanged with someone with whom you will later spend your life together, on the contrary: sometimes the best kisses are those with people who will later turn out to be totally negligible from our romantic past.
Little matter, the memory of that kiss will not be taken from us by anyone.