Things to know if you tend to be (too) emotional in love
Ah the love that overwhelms and makes you feel so incredibly discombobulated, that fire that keeps you alive and doing crazy things and constantly falling prey to your emotions.
The problem is that positive emotions coexist with negative ones, and in love, especially in the beginning, fear can take over.
That’s why if you are a very emotional person looking to have a stable and lasting relationship you should recognize this and rein yourself in at least a little.Here’s how.Continued below the photo)You should not enact everything you feel
If you are past adolescence, you should not immediately enact everything you feel.
The risk is to look like a crazy psychopath at the mercy of hormones; this does not mean lying but simply giving yourself time to understand what you are feeling.
Breathe, wait and take time to understand yourself, only then can you find the right way to share what you are feeling.
Put that phone down right away already: okay, you miss him, but make him miss you too, don’t rush right away to text him.
Unmanaged emotions overwhelm
If you live by indulging your emotional outbursts, you risk overwhelming those in front of you like an exploding dam and frightening them away.
Instead of smothering your new flirt with insecurities and feelings ask yourself why you feel this way and don’t tip your insecurities over to him in a constant demand for attention and confirmation.
Try to be a calm flowing river and not some kind of tzunami coming threateningly.
You must take responsibility
No one can handle your emotions, it is you and only you who must learn to do so and you cannot in any way accuse others of not understanding you or not accepting who you are.
If you feel fragile and insecure it is not always the fault of that poor guy who decided to date you, there are no men to save you from your insecurities, you should do it.
Only when you can figure out how to defuse negative emotions can you be healthy with another person.
Don’t take it out on yourself
Being an emotional person does not mean you are wrong: you don’t have to change, from emotionality also comes the ability to experience moments in life in a very intense and true way.
Don’t blame yourself, you just have to learn to manage yourself and use this quality in your favor, if you learn to know and love yourself it will be easier.
It’s not all black and white
There are also middle ways, especially in a story in its infancy, he can’t be the man of your life or the worst person on the face of the earth depending on the days of the week.
It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, learn to enjoy the quiet moments, the ones when things you feel settle down: this doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you anymore, it’s just a natural way for a story to evolve.
Stay calm.
Don’t live in fear
Fear is one of the emotions that least allows you to be happy, and approaching a relationship with the fear that it may end is the first way you can put in place to self-sabotage.
What does it take to not be afraid? It takes courage; try not to live a new relationship in the shadow of failure.
How? By trying to live it lightly and not in an overlyserious, you have lived your whole life without him, survived worse things, plus living it freely is your best chance to make it work.
Facts speak louder than emotional manifestations
Learn to speak with facts, show what you are and what you feel in everyday things, with perseverance and steadfastness.
You don’t need super-explosive, romantic movie-like demonstrations to make it clear how you feel or to be sure he really loves you; men who are in a hurry to say they love you with words are often the ones who then take it back as soon as the wind changes.
Whatever happens will be fine
If you start a relationship with the fear that you might lose it and suffer terribly from a breakup you will not be doing yourself any favors, you will do anything to be able to keep it alive, even going over yourself over and over again.
Tell yourself that whatever happens you will be fine and move on if it doesn’t make you happier, because whatever happens will be fine and if it wasn’t that for you the best thing you can do is to put it behind you.