Those who have (good) sex live better, says science: here’s how to have a fulfilling sex life
Psychologists at Georg Mason University conducted research which showed that those who have more sexual intercourse also have more positive thoughts and more serene and happy moods.
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It’s not just about quantity but more about chemistry, spontaneity, sensation and ultimate satisfaction.
In fact, another research conducted by the University of Toronto and published in the scientific journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, states how happiness comes from the connection you feel in intimate moments with your partner and how you handle pre and post sexual performance.
These variables can give insight into how well the relationship works: does your partner think about your happiness? Does he only take care of his own needs or does he have an eye for yours as well? Is he or she resourceful or traditional? Do you feel his closeness?
In short, here are 4 secrets to living a fulfilling sex life and being happier.
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Start talking about sexThe first ingredient to making sex life work in a couple is to know what the other person likes.
With this starting point, it will be much easier to take the next steps.
In fact, knowing what to propose, what is best to avoid, and what needs to be there allows you to relax and enjoy the moment.
Talk about it freely, express your fantasies and your limits.
Using such intimate language will only unite you more.
Don’t put the brakes on fantasy
To have a fulfilling sex life, it is always a good idea to use fantasy.
Surprising, generating curiosity, stimulating novelty and fantasizing for then applying will keep the flame alive and the desire to experiment together.
Be willing to put yourself out there, feel free to offer new points of view without fear.
Often the fear of exposure blocks new energies that would – on the contrary – be very welcome.
3. Take care of your appearance
Never forget to take care of your appearance.
The first moments when you are together the attention on your appearance reaches the highest peaks, and it is at the same time that your sex life is most satisfying.
Over time, attraction may wane and so does attention to outward appearance.
In short, if you’re going to be found every day in pajamas, with a clothespin and terrycloth socks, it will be more difficult to stimulate the imagination.
Take care of your body, undergarments and the way you want to provoke a reaction in the other person.
Do not do it for the other person, but for you. Feeling sexy will make you have more fun under the covers.
4. Help each other in daily lifeIf daily life as a couple does not work then sex will not be satisfying either.
Communication difficulties, unspoken words, and negative thoughts about each other are among the major causes of sexual distance.
To get closer physically you will first have to help each other emotionally.
Be each other’s support and make sure that the roles are never unbalanced. To do this, for example, you might ask the question What can I do to help you more often?
It will help you cultivate closeness and so sex will also benefit.