Top 5 men who please women

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1. The Bad Boy
Number One Category: women prefer Bad Boys it’s well known! A confident, distant and vaguely worrying air…Such is the recipe for this type of man. All things considered, anyone can decide to look like one these days. It’s up to you to adopt the trendy leather, the raw jeans, the advantageous tee-shirt and especially the famous 3-day beard! If you can add a soft and reliable shoulder to this outfit, you’re in business!
2. the Shy
Because it strikes a chord right from the start, the Shy is well placed in the hearts of women! He makes them fall in love with his air of a little boy at fault, his shirt collar half in/half out…. And beyond the blushes: his seductive look, his manly hands…. In a few words, once the tenderness has germinated in the mind of your conquest, she knows how to flush out the qualities that you think are extinguished by your shyness, you great seducer who ignores it…
3. The Gentleman
Half-dandy half-big brother, the Gentleman is a hit! It is the elegance made man doubled by an appreciable knightly side. With him, everything has so much more allure and magic… even a trip to the supermarket becomes romantic!
Want to try the Gentleman card? Ask your loved one to share an umbrella corner with you at a moment’s notice! Don’t forget a few drops of a very masculine scented eau de toilette and…off you go to a little piece of paradise…
4. The Adventurer
With him, it’s nature that speaks, the elements, adversity… He can be a long-distance traveler, always on his way to some exotic place! Or, more accessible to everyone: asphalt tamer… by practicing motorcycle or simply running. Do you have sneakers at the bottom of a bag at home? Then let’s go for the adventure…sentimental!
5. the Intellectual
Last of our top five, but not the least captivating, the Intellectual appeals to women for the spirit of emulation that develops in his meeting. It is therefore necessary for the lady to have a well-developed competitive side, a hunting spirit! What more stimulating idea than to take in her lasso an adept of good words, a well of science or even a not so cursed writer? All the art will then bes in the battle…. Go, I do not hate you said Chimène to Rodrigue. Does it make you envious? Then start by listing some quotes…