Top 5 things that make women fall for men

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Question as old as the world, or almost; at least as old as community life, from the time Ugga had to distinguish Toumaï from the rest of the tribe in the Sahel desert, to Kelly being lured by Benjamin into the 6th floor lecture hall among 15 other male colleagues!
1. the smile:
Toumaï and Benjamin have in the first place a common strength which made crack Ugga and Kelly immediately: the smile. Not only for its devastating whiteness and its unforgettable fresh mint breath (fortunately for Toumaï who had to struggle a bit to find a toothbrush). But also for the serenity, the quiet strength that emanates from them when they discover their quenottes and that brings at the same time a well-being to their partner and a will to come back, to go further in the meeting…
2. Listening :
Yes, knowing how to hear the good and the bad ideas. Not necessarily wanting to bring a solution to their beloved Kelly and Ugga; just being attentive; that’s Benjamin and Toumaï’s second asset! Without a doubt, men who know how to listen to female representatives without interrupting them, those who are able to synthesize what they have just said as soon as it is necessary, thus demonstrating the interest they have in them, are always appreciated!
3. the crazy guy:
Fun with humor and always up for a good word or an impromptu picnic, this is the 3rd ace up the sleeve of the guy who pleases women. In top 3, knowing how to let go, taking Kelly or Ugga where they don’t expect, literally or figuratively, will always be a hit! Thus, offering a drink, a bouquet, a trip or a nice flint as a gift (depending on the time) wins and will win women’s votes… (without demanding anything in return, just for the pleasure of going off the beaten track)
4. Culture:
Love is blind, it is well known, but… it is not deaf! Without making a big deal of it, making sure to talk about interesting and open topics is essential to seduce a woman. Kelly needs to admire your science, but she also needs to not feel excluded! She also needs her friends to recognize a certain intelligence in you and not to laugh at your first paroles! To do this, a piece of advice, first of all, display the intelligence of the heart: the one that makes that by being sincerely interested in others, they realize it and love you all the more and follow you with pleasure in the paths of your discussions.
5. the style:
Love is blind, it is well known, especially at the beginning and often it is because a charming detail has made everything change. The elegance of a skilfully tied scarf, the color of a coat terribly well worn, the blue of a shirt devilishly matched to the eyes of its owner, the sexy underlining of a muscle under a tee-shirt… you understood it, the style is the last but not the least of the criteria favored by women. That je ne sais quoi that will tip the balance in your favor…or not…depending on the importance you decide to give it. Be careful, just a touch, not too much or it will be kitsch…
The right recipe? Dare to be 75% Benjamin (so aware of trends) and for the rest copy on Toumaï (make a mix with yours … of trend: natural and casual) 🙂