Warning: these 4 behaviors destroy the couple
There are behaviors that, in the long run, can destroy the balance of a relationship and lead to a relationship crisis.
And the problem is that they are implemented so automatically that partners often don’t even notice.
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Slowly, however, something breaks down until the silence between the two members of the relationship becomes so heavy that it breaks the bond.
Often this is a point of no return to which you don’t even know how you got there.
To avoid it, therefore, it is useful to know (and eventually) recognize the harmful behaviors that can destroy the couple in order to become aware of them and limit them before it is too late.
Here are the 4 behaviors responsible for (almost) all couple crises
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When you devalue or belittle your partner
Those who devalue and belittle each other build a suffering climate within the couple.
The relationship is unbalanced and there is not the serenity that allows one to be oneself.
In fact, the partner feels he cannot express his own frailties and accumulates resentment.
In this case there is a high possibility that the partner who is the victim of this attitude will one day get fed up and end the relationship.
Lack of trust
In couples, it is essential that there is a basis of mutual trust.
If this is lacking, misunderstandings and jealousies are created that will lead to conflicts and misunderstandings.
In fact, trust allows partners to also experience their own individuality and have fertile ground for a sincere and loyal relationship.
When there is trust, one feels secure.
When there is little sharing
Sharing with a partner is one of the things that unites the couple most.
Sharing goes from common interests, to play, to free time spent together just for pleasure (and not for duty!).
Those who also live their leisure time very separately are likely to forget the pleasure of sharing with their partner.
The activities therefore will be mainly related to duties, and gradually the enthusiasm as a couple will be lost.
Little intimacy and sex life
The couple needs to be nurtured with intimacy made up of understanding and glances and an active sex life.
It is essential to carve out moments for oneself and notice when these aspects slow down or even disappear.
Fatigue related to having intimacy can be a wake-up call but also an indicator of the need to slow down and return to experiencing love.