What is a couple in love?

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Love is expressed in a thousand and one ways and each couple operates in its own way. However, there are certain characteristics of a loving couple that are common and prove that love is at the heart of a relationship between two people. Here are 10 characteristics that are not deceiving.
1. A couple in love respects each other and knows how to let go
A couple is two individuals, two stories, two personalities that meet and merge around a common love. However, each of them must be able to keep their individuality and their little secret garden. It is therefore important to respect each other and to know how to let go from time to time. In a couple in love, we don’t necessarily do everything together. Being able to indulge in solo activities is even beneficial to remain oneself and to feel good about oneself, and therefore good about one’s relationship.
2. A couple in love accepts differences
You have your qualities and you also have faults, just like everyone else. Your partner in love is no exception to the rule! Some imperfections can be transformed into charming assets that make a person unique. In a loving and happy couple, you don’t try to change the other at all costs. If the differences become burdensome, we discuss them and try to find a compromise.
3. A couple in love keeps the flame alive
Imagine that you are making a fire but you are not adding fuel. Your fire will gradually go out. Love in a couple is exactly the same. It needs to be maintained. If ever the flame starts to flicker, a little effort can rekindle it. That’s why couples in love take care of their relationship. A few little touches on a daily basis, a surprise, some kind words… this is what keeps the relationship going.
4. a couple in love makes love
The expression making love takes on its full meaning within a couple in love because the act reflects a true exchange, a gift of self. It results from a mutual desire. Over time, this desire may wane and the frequency of sex may decrease. In this case, the desire is expressed differently: gestures filled with tenderness, kisses exchanged with gentleness or passion, the essential thing is to continue to communicate with the body. The ability to evoke fantasies is important.It is also a sign of complicity that allows to spice up the relationship.
5. a couple in love communicates
It is essential to express oneself and to listen to the other because communication is a two-way street. It is not necessarily verbal because some people have difficulty pronouncing the words. As a result, some couples communicate by writing, send messages by singing… Love and happiness remain present as long as you find a way to discuss. If you don’t understand the message, let your partner know to avoid misunderstandings. Following this same logic, always take the time to communicate calmly after an argument. The goal is to identify what caused the argument and how to avoid it in the future.
6. A couple in love projects themselves into the same future
When a couple truly loves each other, one cannot envision their life without the other and vice versa. In this sense, continuous efforts are made and joint future projects are launched. We are not necessarily talking about marriage but also about vacations, moving in, having children, opening a business together… so many avenues to explore in order to continue the journey together. However, you should know that some couples in love and happy are perfectly fulfilled by living each on their own.
7. A couple in love knows how to support each other
A project emerges, a problem arises, different situations require a comforting presence and this is where the loved one intervenes. The ability to support the other in hard times and good times is an irrefutable proof of love. Be careful, this support does not mean that you should follow your partner headlong. If, for example, you find a flaw in his or her plan, suggest a better alternative. This way, you will show him that you really want to accompany him in his evolution, his blooming by helping him to find the right way.
8. A couple in love makes the most of conflicts
If arguments are totally excluded from a relationship, this is not necessarily a good sign. A healthy couple is one where everyone can give and defend their opinion, even if it means raising their voice. By sticking to your guns, you’re proving that you’ve kept your personality. However, you should be careful because you must also listen and understand, and know how to acknowledge your mistakes. Once the storm has passed, make the point. You will gain something from this small or large argument.
9. A couple in love lets the feelings evolve
These couples who have been together for 20, 40, 60 years and claim to still be in love are exemplary. Have they found a recipe, a formula for braving time and problems? The reality is that they have mostly let their relationship shape them and they have not restricted their feelings. It is quite rare that passion lasts forever. As time goes by, one feels a little more tenderness, one is grateful for the support of the other, one remains attentive to one’s soul mate in order to continue to make him/her happy. In a couple in love, we develop new feelings that contribute to the mutual fulfillment.
10. A couple in love knows how to trust each other
It is essential to the couple in love to be able to trust each other. This is achieved through the characteristics mentioned above. The fact of respecting the secret garden of the other and the capacity to communicate regularly are in particular essential. Spending time with respective friends is always beneficial. In the same way, one avoids snooping in e-mails, text messages… except on mutual consent. Beware of misunderstanding because trust does not mean total absence of jealousy. It is quite normal to feel that touch of jealousy and to be a little possessive when in love. The important thing is to know how to control yourself so that neither of you suffers. Sick jealousy can indeed kill the relationship.A couple in love is therefore characterized by the ability to blossom both individually and on a common basis. It is not a question of fusion but of complementarity, always in the respect of oneself and the other. So, are you a couple in love?