What is sentimental burn out in love?

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Burn out: this expression taken from English literally means: to burn out. This process can be roughly translated as :
We can even add that it is the prerogative of perfectionists, people who are very invested…
So, what are the symptoms of burn out in love? It’s a good thing that we’re not just about to start a new career, but also about the future of our family and friends. It is difficult to get out of bed, difficult to think, to reflect. We can even be tempted to stay in bed all weekend without getting rid of our fatigue. This corresponds in fact to a lassitude which is installed in front of a situation which seems without exit. Very in love at the beginning of this relationship, we invested body and soul in it and instead of making with the daily life, this one lamines us. The magic that we would like to keep all the time does not operate any more but at the rhythm of a dying drop to drop. We get annoyed by the other’s faults and we blame ourselves. The more we try to remedy it, the more we come up against the reality of our relationship, the lack of super powers of our partner. Yes, he/she always leaves his/her socks lying around, yes, you are still the one who takes out the garbage after bathing the children and cooking… We have the impression that this couple is nothing more than a succession of ungrateful and unshared tasks and we even have the impression that the other one is adding to it…
2. Enthusiasm is not present
Even more difficult than fatigue, the loss of enthusiasm should be a cause for alarm. The loss of enthusiasm over the long term and concerning subjects that you normally love. You are together at home and all of a sudden, your other half suggests an outing: whether it’s going for a drink in town, eating in a small restaurant, or going to the movies. Instead of jumping in your shoes, dragging your feet and finally opting for nothing, you just lie on the couch, not even next to each other, each at one end. The worst part is that it’s not the first time. If you think about it, you will realize that at least 3 out of 4 proposals from him, provoke this response from yours for a time that you find hard to measure!
3. Morpheus sulks you
Very tired, always tired, but… you wake up often in the night. You wake up very early in the morning. You get up very early in the morning.I fall asleep super late at night. The sleep is deregulated because you are not serene anymore. Your internal computer knows, something is wrong…
4. Resentment as a flag
You analyze everything through the prism of frustration. Nothing is good enough for you anymore. Most of the moments between you and your partner are coldly dissected to point out mainly the other’s faults and shortcomings, the dead ends and defects in your relationship. Even the gifts and compliments are not the right ones in your opinion. Every occasion is a pretext to repeat to yourself that your partner is definitely not making an effort to understand you…
5. How to get out of the sentimental burn out in love?
Try meditation, walking, walking while meditating… The idea being to decentralize yourself, to get out of this focus that blackens everything without providing any solution. And if nothing really works: opt for a therapy, in order to put all your grievances and worries to an outside person. Don’t let yourself be taken further into the darkness, nothing good can come of it, react!