What it really means to have an erotic dream about your partner
Although probably not many people talk about it, erotic dreams are really very common.
For example, if you are in some kind of romantic relationship, you are likely to have had an erotic dream about your partner at some point.
**What it means (really) to dream about someone**
**Dream interpretation: what the most common dreams mean**
And while you may be inclined to interpret it as just mere attraction to each other, actually having an erotic dream about your partner may mean more than we expect.
Everything we dream about is in fact related to some aspect in our real life. Simply put, your subconscious is sending you-through dreams-a message about thoughts you have had during the day or week. It is then up to you to interpret what appears in the dream.
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To help you though, we had the experts reveal all the hidden meanings of an erotic dream about your partner. Here they are.
Dream interpretation: all the meanings of an erotic dream about the partner
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It is simply attraction
There is an obvious answer: if you have had an erotic dream about someone, you are likely to be very attracted to them. And your brain is telling you to jump in.
However, dreams are much more complex than that; there is always some kind of hidden meaning. Therefore, although you might have a hot dream because you are attracted to that person, it is likely that there is also something else at play.
You need contact … psychological
Sex, for the dreaming mind, is not so much about a physical union, but a psychological union that you need or have had recently.
Since sex is the ultimate union between two separate bodies working in unison, dream thinking will use the sexual act to suggest that you connect with someone.
In this regard, having an erotic dream about your partner may mean that you have recently (re)connected on some intellectual, spiritual, psychological, and/or emotional level.
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There is unfinished business between you
Imagine the scene: you are having the hottest erotic dream ever, but just as you are close to orgasm you wake up, or something in the dream prevents you from finishing.
In this case the meaning of the dream is related to some kind of dissatisfaction in real life.
Perhaps you have been arguing and have not yet clarified the situation, or you simply have not reached a compromise on where to book an important dinner. Whatever it is, an unfinished orgasm indicates that there is some unfinished business and that you therefore need to find closure or reach a resolution in your relationship.
You recently had an intimate conversation
In case you did not know, the kind of sex you had in the dream will lead to a different interpretation of the dream itself.
For example, oral sex is often about an intimate conversation because the mouth is involved. Not only that, whoever initiates foreplay in the dream probably reflects who initiated (or needs to initiate) the intimate conversation in real life.
In this case, intimate conversation refers to all those conversations that become particularly deep and help achieve satisfying connections between two people.
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There is another person in the relationship
If your sex dream involves a threesome, it may indicate that some sort of third presence has entered the relationship.
Perhaps one of you has taken an infatuation with someone and this is affecting the relationship, or perhaps you have simply adopted a new dog that is changing your relationship dynamic.
Whatever it is, the person who is in the dream trio with you and your partner may not reflect who (or what) is actually meddling in the relationship, but more generally, that there is an intrusion.
Is it a positive or negative intrusion? The answer is given by the dream itself: how you feel in the dream, such as whether you are enjoying the threesome or finding it problematic, indicates your feelings about this new element.