Why do some couples overcome everything?

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Some couples manage to get through everything… Trials like infidelity, work problems, health problems etc… Having a couple that stands the test of time is therefore much more difficult and complicated than it seems, and trials are inevitable in a relationship. Each couple has to find its own way to deal with them. As the years go by, it becomes more and more difficult to get along and it becomes easy to become polarized by over-compensating for the actions or inactions of our partner. However, some couples manage to overcome everything and live a stable and long-lasting relationship despite the trials and tribulations… How do they do it? Here are some tips…
1. They accept the trials of married life
There are many trials in married life. If we only mention infidelities, the loss of a loved one, financial problems or even a temporary separation… And the situation becomes even more difficult to manage when these trials follow one another and/or appear at the same time. Coping is not easy. Many couples can’t resist it. But overcoming these problems together helps to strengthen the ties that bind the members of a couple. Other couples lock themselves in denial and prefer to avoid any conflict, thinking that they will solve their problems without having to face them… This can only make things worse in the long run, until they reach a point of no return that will inevitably signal the end of their relationship and the breakup.
2. They support each other
In a couple relationship your partner can be your best friend, he is however your confidant. They are normally one of the few people you would do just about anything for. There are certain things you and your partner should do for each other naturally to strengthen your bond and commitment. As one half of a functioning adult relationship, your partner needs you to be by their side and support them through the trials they may go through on a daily basis. No matter what happens, you need to be a source of moral support, advice and help in achieving his or her life goals. Don’t forget that there is strength in numbers… ?
3. they are honest with each other and show understanding for each other.sion
Even if the truth is difficult to hear, it is necessary to hear it. Members of a couple that lasts are honest and understanding with each other. The listening being the prerequisite to the comprehension then to the good resolution of a problem and this, whatever its nature…
4. They solve the conflicts as soon as possible
The latent problems are a major source of stress and misunderstanding. It is important to avoid at all costs the questions and answers… This can cause a growing imbalance that can very quickly harm the balance of your couple. Misunderstandings must be cleared up quickly. Couples that last manage to be objective about the existence and acceptance of the problem, and often manage to find a solution together beyond the legitimate passions that can be anger, jealousy or fear… Couples that work over time try to be rational and objective about the nature of their conflicts. It is essential to dare to take a step towards each other as much as possible.